duminică, 31 august 2014

S-a majorat plafonul pentru transportul in comun la 1000

In sedinta de Consiliu Local s-a aprobat majorarea plafonului pentru pensionari de la 900 la 1.000 de lei, pentru transportul in comun, iar de luna viitoare si pentru pachete. De acum inainte toti cei cu pensii de sub 1000 lei pot beneficia de transport gratuit  RATC.
„Vom aproba si majorarea pana la 1.000 de lei a veniturilor pentru persoanele carora le dam pachete, asta inseamna ca vor primi si va fi valabil din noiembrie. Pentru septembrie s-au achizitionat deja alimentele,“ a spus Radu Mazare.


Un comentariu:

  1. I have a big family. I live with my mom, my dad, my two sisters, and my brother. Both of my sisters are older than me,
    but my brother is younger. My sister Elizabeth is the oldest. She is sixteen years old. Carrie is thirteen years old.
    We used to share a room, but when we moved to our new town, we each got rooms of our own.My brother John is the youngest.
    He is only four years old. My mom’s name is Sally. She casa98 to be a teacher,but now she stays home to take care of us.
    My dad’s name is Tim. He is a doctor. He helps little kids when they are sick.
